FLAME is a flexible and generic agent-based modelling platform that can be used to
develop models and simulations for complex system applications in many areas such as economics, biology and social sciences, to name a few.
It generates a complete agent-based application that can be compiled and
deployed on many computing systems ranging from laptops to
distributed high performance super computing environments.
Below is an example of an agent-based simulation of an artificial economy, showing agents located in different regions,
household agents sending job applications to firm agents (blue links), and the interactions at a shopping mall where firms post prices and sell products to the households.

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Latest News
FLAME in patient flow modelling project started (Posted on 10 January 2014)FLAME is being used in a new partient flow modelling project. The project - a collaboration between STFC, Sheffield University and CMFT - will be using FLAME to simulate the...
Flame is being used in a new partient flow modelling project. The project - a collaboration between STFC, Sheffield University and CMFT - will be using FLAME to simulate the...
FLAME and future improvements for FLAME2 were presented at the International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communications in Liverpool. The associated paper is available here.