FLAME User Meeting - 23rd Feb 2012
Location: Enterprise Zone, Sheffield University
Now starting at 11am to allow travel time
- Coffee and Tea
- Welcome - Mike Holcombe (USFD)
- FLAME HPC Project Objectives - Chris Greenough (STFC)
- The Future of FLAME - Lee-Shawn Chin (STFC)
- Lunch which will be provided
User Tools:
- Simon Coakley (USFD) - ‘FLAME Editor and FLAME Visualiser demos’
- Sander van der Hoog and Philipp Harting (UNIBI) - ‘An extensive GUI for FLAME: experiment setup and data visualisation’
- Julio Gallardo and Chris Wright (USFD) - ‘The MASTER testing framework’
- Daniela Romano (USFD) - ‘Pedestrian and Traffic Simulation using FLAMEGPU’
Short User Talks:
- Twin Karmakharm (USFD) - 'SPICE Project'
- Laurence James (USFD) - 'Computational Modelling of Galaxy Formation using FLAMEGPU'
Simon Scarle (UWE) - 'Playing with Fire: putting FLAME on the XBox'
- Richard Williams (YORK) - 'Modelling the IL-1 Stimulated NFkB Intracellular Signalling Pathway using FLAME'
Gavin Fullstone (USFD) - 'The Effect of Ras-mediated Cytoskeletal Alterations on Dynamics of the NFkB pathway'
Gavin Fullstone (USFD) - 'Developing Models of the Blood Brain Barrier'
- Aban Shuaib (USFD) - 'Regulation of Erk1/2 and p38 MAPK pathways via Trb protein family: an agent based approach'
Dave Rhodes (USFD) - 'Modelling Natural Killer cell interactions with Tumour cells'
Shannon Li (USFD) - 'Modelling the epidermis'
- Mark Burkitt (USFD) - 'AirPROM Project'
- Afsaneh Maleki-Dizaji (USFD) - 'SUMO Project'
- Himanshu Kaul (OXFD) - 'Tissue Engineering and Bioprocessing'
David Worth (STFC) - 'SIR Model'
Candy Ho (USFD) - 'Development of novel 3D MND model by use of aligned polymer fiber scaffolds'
Bob Lee (XIAN) - 'Economic and Environmental Policy Modelling'
- Coffee and Tea
- Feedback to developers
- Conclusions and summing up
- USFD - University of Sheffield
- STFC - Science and Technology Facilities Council - Rutherford Appleton Laboratory
- UNIBI - University of Bielefeld, Germany
- YORK - University of York
- UWE - University of the West of England
- OXFD - University of Oxford
- XIAN - Xi’an Jiaotong University, China
Updated: 2012/02/22