The following are some of the publications based on the work undertaken using FLAME.
Himanshu Kaul, Zhanfeng Cui, Yiannis Ventikos, A Multi-Paradigm Modeling Framework to Simulate Dynamic Reciprocity in a Bioreactor, PLoS ONE 8(3), March 2013
- Mike Holcombe, Simon Coakley, Mariam Kiran, Shawn Chin, Chris Greenough, David Worth, Silvano Cincotti, M. Raberto, Andrea Teglio, , Christophe Deissenberg, Sander van der Hoog, Herbert Dawid, Simon Gemkow, Philipp Harting, Michael Neugart, Large-scale Modelling of Economic Systems, Complex Systems
XinShan Li, A.K. Upadhyay, A.J. Bullock, T. Dicolandrea, J. Xu, R.L. Binder, M.K. Robinson, D.R. Finlay, K.J. Mills, C.C. Bascom, R.J. Isfort, J.W. Haycock, S. MacNeil, R.H. Smallwood, Skin Stem Cell Hypotheses and Long Term Clone Survival - Explored Using Agent-based Modelling, Scientific Reports (Nature), May 2013
Shawn Chin, David Worth, Chris Greenough, Simon Coakley, Mike Holcombe, Marian Gheorghe, FLAME-II : a redesign of the flexible large-scale agent-based modelling environment, RAL Technical Reports, RAL-TR-2012-019, November 2012
Shawn Chin, Chris Greenough, David Worth, FLAME tutorial examples : cellular automata - the game of life, RAL Technical Reports, RAL-TR-2012-018, November 2012
David Worth, Shawn Chin, Chris Greenough, FLAME tutorial examples : a simple SIR infection model, RAL Technical Reports, RAL-TR-2012-017, November 2012
Shawn Chin, David Worth, Chris Greenough, Simon Coakley, Mike Holcombe, Mariam Kiran, The EURACE agent-based economic model - benchmarking, assessment and optimization, RAL Technical Reports, RAL-TR-2012-006, April 2012
Shawn Chin, David Worth, Chris Greenough, Simon Coakley, Mike Holcombe, Mariam Kiran, FLAME - an approach to the parallelisation of agent-based applications, RAL Technical Reports, RAL-TR-2012-013, August 2012
Simon Coakley, Marian Gheorghe, Mike Holcombe, Shawn Chin, David Worth, Chris Greenough, Exploitation of High Performance Computing in the FLAME Agent-Based Simulation Framework, Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communications
Mike Holcombe, Salem Adra, Mesude Bicak, Shawn Chin, Simon Coakley, Alison I. Graham, Jeffrey Green, Chris Greenough, Duncan Jackson, Mariam Kiran, Sheila MacNeil, Afsaneh Maleki-Dizaji, Phil McMinn, Mark Pogson, Robert Poole, Eva Qwarnstrom, Francis Ratnieks, Matthew D. Rolfe, Rod Smallwood, Tao Sun and David Worth, Modelling complex biological systems using an agent-based approach, Integrative Biology
Mark Burkitt, Dawn Walker, Daniela Romano and Alireza Fazeli, Modelling sperm behaviour in a 3D environment, Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Computational Methods in Systems Biology
Sander van der Hoog and Christophe Deissenberg, Energy Shocks and Macroeconomic Stabilization Policies in an Agent-Based Macro Model, Computational Methods in Economic Dynamics
Salem Adra, Mariam Kiran, Phil McMinn, Neil Walkinshaw, A multiobjective optimisation approach for the dynamic inference and refinement of agent-based model specifications, 2011 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC)
G. Muneeswari and K. L. Shunmuganathan, A Novel Hard-Soft Processor Affinity Scheduling for Multicore Architecture using Multiagents, European Journal of Scientific Research
Marco Raberto, Andrea Teglio, Silvano Cincotti, Debt Deleveraging and Business Cycles: An Agent-Based Perspective, Economics Discussion
Herbert Dawid, Simon Gemkow, Philipp Harting, Sander van der Hoog, Michael Neugart, The Eurace@Unibi Model: An Agent-Based Macroeconomic Model for Economic Policy Analysis, University of Bielefeld
Chris Greenough, Shawn Chin, David Worth, Simon Coakley, Mike Holcombe, Mariam Kiran, An Approach to the Parallelisation of Agent-Based Applications, ERCIM News 2010 (81), pp 42-43
Chris Greenough, Shawn Chin, David Worth, Simon Coakley, Mike Holcombe, Mariam Kiran, Parallel Implementation of Large Scale Agent-based Models in Economics, Presentation at Advances in Agent-Based Computational Economics (ADACE), Bielefeld, Germany, 05-07 Jun 2010
Mariam Kiran, Paul Richmond, Mike Holcombe, Lee Shawn Chin, David Worth and Chris Greenough, FLAME: simulating large populations of agents on parallel hardware architectures, Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems
Paul Richmond, Dawn Walker, Simon Coakley and Daniela Romano, High performance cellular level agent-based simulation with FLAME for the GPU, Briefing in Bioinformatics
Salem Adra, Tao Sun, Shelia MacNeil, Mike Holcombe and Rod Smallwood, Development of a three dimensional multiscale computational model of the human epidermis, PLoS ONE
Paul Richmond, Simon Coakley and Daniela Romano, A high performance agent based modelling framework on graphics card hardware with CUDA, Proceedings of The 8th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems
Paul Richmond, Simon Coakley and Daniela Romano, Cellular level agent based modelling on the graphics processing unit, Proceedings of the 2009 International Workshop on High Performance Computational Systems Biology
Dawn Walker and Jennifer Southgate, The virtual cell—a candidate co-ordinator for ‘middle-out’ modelling of biological systems, Briefings in Bioinformatics
Tao Sun, Salem Adra, Rod Smallwood, Mike Holcombe, Sheila MacNeil, Exploring hypotheses of the actions of TGF-β1 in epidermal wound healing using 3D computational multiscale model of the human epidermis, PLoS ONE
Herbert Dawid, Simon Gemkow, Philipp Harting and Michael Neugart, On the Effects of Skill Upgrading in the Presence of Spatial Labor Market Frictions: An Agent-Based Analysis of Spatial Policy Design, Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation
Christophe Deissenberg, Sander van der Hoog and Herbert Dawid, EURACE: A massively parallel agent-based model of the European economy, Applied Mathematics and Computation
Tao Sun, Phil McMinn, Mike Holcombe, Rod Smallwood and Sheila MacNeil, Agent Based Modelling Helps in Understanding the Rules by Which Fibroblasts Support Keratinocyte Colony Formation, PLoS ONE
Mariam Kiran, Simon Coakley, Neil Walkinshaw, Phil McMinn, Mike Holcombe, Validation and discovery from computational biology models, Biosystems
Paul Richmond , Daniela Romano, Agent Based GPU, a Real-time 3D Simulation and Interactive Visualisation Framework for Massive Agent Based Modelling on the GPU, Proceedings International Workshop on Super Visualisation (IWSV08) 2008
- Sander van der Hoog, Christophe Deissenberg, Herbert Dawid, Production and Finance in EURACE, Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems
Chris Greenough, David Worth, Shawn Chin, Mike Holcombe, Simon Coakley, The exploitation of parallel high performance systems in the FLAME agent-based simulation framework, RAL Technical Reports, RAL-TR-2008-022
Tao Sun, Phil McMinn, Simon Coakley, Mike Holcombe, Rod Smallwood and Sheila MacNeil, An integrated systems biology approach to understanding the rules of keratinocyte colony formation, J.R. Soc. Interface
L.S. Chin, C. Greenough, and D.J. Worth, Optimising Communication Routines in Parallel X-Agents,
Simon Coakley, Rod Smallwood and Mike Holcombe, From molecules to insect communities-How formal agent based computational modelling is uncovering new biological facts, Scientiae Mathematicae Japonicae
Mike Holcombe, Simon Coakley, Rod Smallwood, A General Framework for agent-based modelling of complex systems, Proceedings of the 2006 European Conference on Complex Systems
Simon Coakley, Rod Smallwood and Mike Holcombe, Using X-Machines as a formal basis for describing agents in agent-based modelling, Proceedings of the 2006 Agent-Directed Simulation Conference
Dr. D. J. Worth and Prof. C. Greenough, Optimising X-Agent Models in Computational Biology, Software Engineering Group Note SEG-N-001